Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

Paket Wisata Batu Malang 3 Hari 2 Malam

 Paket Wisata Batu Malang 3 Hari 2 Malam

Paket Wisata Batu Malang 3 Hari 2 Malam, Adalah paket jala-jalan dan liburan ke Kota Wisata Batu Malang. Selain obyek wisata Bromo. Kota Batu Malang adalah tujuan utama wisata keluarga. Paket Tour Batu Malang ini start dari Bandara, Stasiun Kereta Api, Hotel di Kota Surabaya atau Kota Malang. Dengan mengunjungi berbagai obyek wisata di Kota Batu Malang yang terkenal sebagai kota wisata. Tempat wisata yang di kunjungi adalah  pemandian Selecta/selekta, Wisata Petik Apel, BNS, Paket Wisata Jatim Park Batu Malang,Wisata Kuliner, Wisata Belanja dll.

Detail program perjalanan Paket Wisata Batu Malang adalah sebagai berikut :

Hari 1: Bandara – Hotel di Batu Malang Penjemputan di tempat yang telah anda tentukan, dilanjutkan menuju Hotel di Batu Malang /Penginapan atau Villa di Kota Batu dan istirahat.  Dilanjutkan mengunjungi wisata air terjun Coban Rondo. Setelah makan malam mengunjungi Wisata Malam Batu Night Spectakuler (BNS), setelah selesai kembali ke Hotel, istirahat.

Hari 2 : Selecta – Petik Apel – Jatim Park 2 Batu Malang Setelah makan pagi menuju menuju Selecta dan Wisata Agro Apel di kebun apel, Obyek Wisata Songgoriti dan kemudian di lajutkan mengunjungi Wisata Jatim Park 2 Batu Malang.  Jalan- jalan Malam dan Wisata Kuliner (Alun-Alun, Ijen Boulevard dll.)

Hari 3: Wisata Oleh-oleh – Candi Singosari – Transfer Out Setelah makan pagi di Hotel Batu dan chek out , dilanjutkan ke Wisata oleh-oleh khas Batu Malang, setelah itu di antar ke Bandara/Stasiun Kota Surabaya/Malang di perjalanan mengunjungi Wisata Candi Singosari. Program Paket Wisata Batu Malang berakhir

Fasilitas :Paket Hemat Wisata Ijen 2 hari 1 Malam :

-Privat Transport (Driver + BBM.+ AC)
( Avansa-Innova)
– Air Mineral 600ml.
– Ttiket masuk objek Malang Batu

Yang tidak termasuk :
– makan
– pengeluaran pribadi.

Paket Wisata Batu Malang 3 Hari 2 Malam

Paket liburan Gunung Bromo Malang Batu 3 Hari 2 Malam

Paket liburan Gunung Bromo Malang 3 Hari 1 Malam

Paket liburan Gunung Bromo Malang Batu 3 Hari 2 Malam adalah paket yang memang khusus untuk di musim liburan paket ini banyak diminati karena Murah dan ekonamis. Agen wisata kami akan melayani tour anda Baik perorangan, rombongan, Paket Liburan Gunung Bromo Malang Kota Batu yang merupakan rancangan dari  program wisata ke Wisata Gunung Bromo dengan Kombinasi Wisata Kota Batu Malang dengan durasi waktu 3 hari 2 malam. Paket liburan Gunung Bromo Malang Kota Batu ini program tournya cukup panjang karena untuk Tour di Gunung Bromo cukup butuh tenaga. "Namanya juga tour ke Gunung dan mendaki, pastinya capek bukan?" jadi harus bermalam dan istirahat biar untuk melanjutkan tour selanjutnya bisa fit dan bisa sangat menikmati liburan anda.

Program paket Liburan Bromo dan Kota Batu Malang merupakan salah satu pilihan wisata favorit untuk para wisata, hampir dari setiap wisata yang ingin berlibur lebih banyak memilih paket wisata ke Bromo dan Wisata Kota Batu. Sangat mutlak jika anda sedang berkunjung ke Jawa Timur tetapi tidak mengunjungi salah satu obyek wisata Bromo maupun Wisata Kota Batu Malang yang sangat favorit ini.
Berikut Program Paket Lburan Gunng Bromo Malang Batu  3 Hari 2 Malam :
Hari 1 : Srabaya/Malang - Wisata Bromo

Start penjemputan bisa dari Bandara, Stasiun, atau Hotel di Surabaya/Malang tergantung dari kesepakatan.
Kemudian langsung menuju ke Obyek Wisata Bromo dengan menempuh perjalanan 3 jam berkendra.
Driver kami akan membaawa anda dengan sangat hati-hati dan pastinya dengan pelayanan yang sangat profesional dan berpengalaman dalam dunia pariwisata.
Selama perjalanan anda bisa menikmati menu makan di setiap rute yang di lewati tergantung dari selera masing-masing peserta.Setiba di obyek wisata Bromo, Check in Hotel sore harinya bisa menikmati sunset (matahari terbenam) dari depan Hotel dan istirhat.
Hari ke 2 : Bromo Tour Sunrise - Bromo Tour - Wisata Kota Batu

Sekitar jam 3.00 pagi anda akan di bangunkan oleh staff hotel, untuk bersiap menuju view Point Penanjakan 1 Tour Bromo Sunrise. dan Jeep di Bromo akan mengantar anda untuk Tour ke Bromo, dengan driver yang sangat berpengalaman di medan pegunungan. Khususnya di Bromo.
Perjalanan pertama langsung menuju ke lokasi view point Bromo Sunrise, di puncak penanjakan dengan jeep/hardtop bromo. (baca disini untuk penyewaan rental jeep di bromo)
Setelah tiba di lokasi view point, dan menikmati sunrise di puncak penanjakan 1 turun lagi bersama jeep semula untuk menuju ke Kawah bromo.
Setiba di lautan padang pasir di mana lokasi parkiran semua jeep, anda berjalan kaki menuju kawah bromo atau bisa juga menunggang kuda (sewa kuda) sebagai alternatif lain menuju ke puncak kawah Bromo.
Setelah mengexplore keindahan di sekitar Kawah Bromo, kembali ke jeep untuk melanjutkan trip berikutnya ke Savana (bukit teletubies) dan Pasir Berbisik. Setelah Tour Gunung Bromo selesai, kembali ke Hotel untuk sarapan pagi dan bersiap untuk melanjutkan perjalanan ke Wisata Malang Batu.
Perjalanan menuju Wisata Kota Batu dari Bromo sekitar 3 jam perjalanan berkendara. Kunjungan pertama di wisata batu menuju ke air terjun coban rondo. Setelah itu check in hotel di Kota Batu, setelah makan malam melanjutkan trip ke Batu Nght Spectacullar (BNS). Cukup menikmati tour di BNS kembali ke Hotel dan istirahat.
Hari ke 3 : Petik Apel - Jatim Park - Museum Angkut - Transfer out Surabaya/Malang

Sarapan pagi di hotel, setelah itu mengunjungi kebun apel untuk menikmati buah apel segar langsung dari kebun.setelah memetik apel melajutkan perjalanan ke Jatim Park, Museum angkut dan oleh-oleh khas kota batu. Setelah semua kunjungan di Wisata Kota Batu selesai bersiap-siap untuk di antar menuju Bandara atau Stasiun Surabaya/Malang dan Paket Wisata Bromo Malang Batu Tour 3 Hari 2 Malam selesai.

Fasilitas ::Paket liburan Gunung Bromo Malang Batu 3 Hari 2 Malam

-Privat Transport (Driver + BBM.+ AC)
( Avansa-Innova )
– Air Mineral 600ml.
– Ttiket masuk objek Gunung Bromo Malang
- Hotel di Bromo dan Hotel Malang

 Yang tidak termasuk :

– makan
– pengeluaran pribadi.

 Paket liburan Gunung Bromo Malang Batu 3 Hari 2 Malam


The formation of Ijen Plateau and Ijen crater lake

Indonesia is famous for hosting some of the world's most powerful volcanoes. Ijen crater lake is the most amazing Indonesian lake, representing a solution of sulphuric acid and hydrogen chloride, the most powerful existing acids. The lake contains 600,000 tonnes of hydrogen chloride, 550,000 tonnes of sulphuric acid, 200,000 tonnes of aluminium sulphate and 170,000 tonnes of iron sulphate, with an acidity around pH 0.5. Any eruption through this lake would expel the water and create deadly mudflow that can claim hundreds of lives and properties.

Pre- and post-caldera activity of Ijen

Pre-caldera activity of the Ijen crater complex is supposed to have started prior to 300,000 years ago. It probably formed a large single stratovolcano - Old Ijen - with an estimated altitude of 3500 m. The caldera formation is associated with the eruption of a large volume – around 80 cubic kilometres - of pyroclastic flow deposits. These are waves that consist of solid or semi-liquid lava, gas, rocks and ash. They can reach temperatures up to about 850 °C and can reach a speed to around 725 km/h. The event occurred some time before 50,000 years ago. This is based on analysis of a lava flow of Mt. Blau. Mt. Blau is considered to be the oldest post-caldera unit. Post caldera activity produced the rim cones and the inner cones. These younger volcanoes produced the ash and scoria cones, lava flows, pyroclastic flow and surge deposits and debris avalanche material that now cover the caldera flow.

Ijen's landscape full of volcanic cones

The Ijen Plateau was at one time a huge active crater complex of 134 square kilometres in area. Nowadays, the large caldera complex hosts a large number of volcanic edifices of which Ijen and Raung are the most active. The Ijen caldera has a diameter of about 14-16 km.
The landscape is dominated by the volcanic cones of Ijen (2368 m) and Merapi (2800 m) on the north-eastern edge of the plateau, and Raung (3332 m) on the south-western corner. The Ijen crater stands inside the caldera, while Merapi and Raung have arisen along a ring fracture at the edge of the caldera. The caldera’s northern margin is clearly visible as a typical caldera escarpment with a steep inner slope and elevations ranging from 850 to 1559 m. The southern and eastern walls are covered by the marginal volcanoes of Suket (2950 m), Jampit/Pendil (2338 m), Rante (2644 m), Merapi (2799 m), Ijen (2386 m), Pawenen (2123 m) and Ringgih (1965 m). Inside the caldera the topography is dominated by a large number of extinct volcanic cones: Cilik (1872 m), Pendil (2375 m), Anyar (1276 ), Genteng (1712 m), Gelaman (1726 m), Kukusan (1994 m), Papak (2099 m), idodaren (2100 m), Blau (1774 m), Gendingwaluh (1519 m), Lingker (1630 m) and Kunci (1788 m).

Eruptions over time

Ijen is especially interesting because of a relationship seen between lake level and eruptive activity. On several occasions when the lake level has been lowered by artificial means, fumarolic activity under the lake has increased, lake temperature has risen, and sometimes hydrothermal or phreatic eruptions have occurred. These phenomena are thought to result from reduced pressure resulting from lowering the lake level.
The historical record of volcanic activity at Ijen dates back to 1586, and includes dozens of eruptions. Eruptions of Ijen are associated with increases in seismic activity and in the temperature of the crater lake. In 1817 the crater lake in Kawah Ijen collapsed, producing mudflows that engulfed three villages and killed an unknown number of people. In 1917 water from the lake flowed over after a large tectonic earthquake near Bali. The following month water in the lake was spouting some 9 m into the air in a muddy, noisy display. The temperature of the lake rose to scalding intensities in March but dropped back to lukewarm levels by late 1917. The lake heated up again in 1921, with steaming gases above the water surface until 1923.
In 1936 an eruption similar to that of 1817 was recorded. In 1952 Ijen erupted after several strong local earthquakes. The volcano spewed ash up to 1000 meters altitude in the air. An eruption cloud appeared, and boiling activity was observed in the lake. In 1962, 1976 and 1991 bubbling water was recorded, with changing of water colour. In 1993 an explosive volcanic eruption was recorded in which steam and tephra was released. In 1997 there was increased seismic activity recorded. The colour of the lake changed, gas bubbles were seen and there was a strong sulphuric odour; birds were seen falling into the water. The last eruption was recorded in 1999.

Kawah Ijen

Kawah Ijen from above

Standing at the crater rim

Not only picturesque but also deadly, Ijen volcano

Ijen crater lake

Ijen crater lake


 Bromo ijen Tour Package

Bromo ijen tour package, is the best volcanoes tour package and special for your holiday, we arrange all of the tours and adventure program, for this time we have operatet the local guests and international guests for handing all of our program, especially for Mount Bromo Tour And ijen Crater Tour then we kombined be Bromo ijen Tour.

Bromo Ijen Tour Package is the answer for the travelers who want to visit Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater We offer you Bromo ijen tour from surabaya, Bromo ijen tour from yogyakarta and Bromo ijen tour from bali, do not hesitate to join with us

Paket Wisata Bromo Kawah Ijen 3 Hari 2 Malam

kawah ijen

Paket Wisata Bromo Kawah Ijen 3 Hari 2 Malam adalah Paket Wisata Advanture dan  Wisata Gunung Bromo Terletak di Kabupaten Prolinggo dan Kawah Ijen  Terletak di Antara Kabupaten Bayuwangi dan Bondowoso Paket Wisata Bromo Kawah Ijen ini Merupakan Paket Wisata Advanture

mount bromo tour from any country

you can fly into international Airpot at surabaya, there are direct flights from any country. Mount Bromo tour from any country is the best way to get to indonesia, from surabaya our will pick you up than we will transfer you to Bromo area, its takes 3-4 hours by privat car.

Distance from surabaya Airport to the Mount Bromo national park is about 70-80km. and the time is takes take is around 4 hours due to heavy traffic and congestion the way. You would pass probolinggo town which lies at the major highway across java, tour from surabaya  is the best way to go to Mount Bromo , we usualy pick up our guest from surabaya Airport, hotel, train station etc, Do not hesitate to join with us. Mount Bromo tour ijen crater tour are best volcano for your holiday..